Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Talk about annoying kids on a flight . . ..

Man Says Pilot Made Him Sit On Toilet.

This strikes me as a cover story for PC actions. Here's what I envision:

The PCs find out that the big bad creature they just killed had infested a normal person with its spawn. Once they hatch they'll kill all the normals around the host. And to top it off, they track the host onto a commercial air flight.

How will the PCs save the normals without exposing them to the terrors beyond the ken of man?

This doesn't translate as well in a fantasy setting, simply because the claustrophobic setting is part of the tension, but this could be set in a 'locked in the castle during a masked ball' scenario. So the host needs to be stopped to save the guests AND the royals. Hm m m m. . .I LIKE that! =)

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