Friday, May 2, 2008

Bump in the Night

Teen Hides Under Covers From Home Intruders

Now this seems like a fairly straight forward news story. But think about this as a piece of modern horror gaming.

An evil mastermind sends his boogey-men to capture a young girl for sacrifice. This wise girl remembers from her childhood that bedcovers were a sovereign defense against the creatures of the night. When the authorities arrive the creatures resume their disguises as normal human criminals and are hauled away. In the game they mysteriously disappear from the jail.

THrough a personal connection, perhaps one is the uncle or aunt of this girl, the PCs are brought in to investigate this incident as the girl insists that there were 'monsters' in her bedroom.

This opens up a whole campaign for investigating the monsters that regularly attack or menance children that adults dismiss as imagination.

This would make a great D20 Modern campaign.

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